I fell in love with Meeko's agate mix. Beautiful pre-cut rough that produces amazing polished rocks. The description says it's a combination of Malawi, Montana and Brazil agates. The Montana agates are pretty easy to identify. Are there differentiating features between the Malawi and Brazil agates? Many of the agates tend toward brown, tan and cream coloration and others more toward blue, white and cream.
I'd like to be able to identify them by origin (because I do stuff like that).
Great agate rough regardless.
I'm not 100% sure, but I think that Malawi tends towards brown, yellow, orange, cream, tan etc.
From my understanding, Brazilians don't tend to exhibit as much of the yellow, orange, brown colors.
But I think when it comes to agates, they can show a lot of the same coloration in all of the different types.
But I could be, and probably am, wrong. 😂